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Tips for Maintaining Your Tankless Water Heater

Tankless water heaters require a little bit more maintenance on your part compared to a tank water heater. If you already have a tankless model or are thinking of switching to one, it’s important to understand the maintenance steps that you need to take each month.

You can keep reading to learn more about how to complete these maintenance steps for your tankless water heater and why each one is so important. Then, give our team a call when you need to schedule professional tankless water heater service in Saint Clair Shores, MI. An annual professional maintenance appointment is just as important as the care that you give your tankless water heater each month.

Clean the Water Filter

No matter what type of tankless water heater you have, cleaning out the water filter is crucial to helping it maintain smooth operation. Since all of the components on your tankless model are smaller compared to a large tank water heater, you need to complete maintenance more frequently. 

In the case of the water filter, it is designed to capture minerals found in hard water like calcium and magnesium. If the filter gets too full, water flow could be blocked leading into your tankless water heater. It’s a good idea to take this filter off once each month and rinse it out before replacing it again.

Cleaning the Air Filter

If you have a tankless water heater that uses gas, it also has an air filter that needs to be cleaned. Similar to cleaning the water filter, cleaning the air filter ensures that there’s adequate airflow for your tankless water heater without any blockages. 

It’s easy for debris to get in this filter and slow down or even completely block airflow. Taking it off and rinsing it out will go a long way toward helping your tankless water heater operate at its best. Keep in mind that before you put the air filter back in place you want to make sure it is completely dry.

Annual Professional Maintenance

Aside from these steps that you take as a homeowner, you can also plan on scheduling an annual appointment with our team of professionals. Even though you have a water filter in place to capture some of the minerals from hard water, some of them will ultimately still get through. They could lead to limescale buildup inside of your tankless water heater. 

Because of this, our team needs to turn off the power and water to your unit and clean it out at least once a year. Our goal is to help to prevent corrosion and mineral buildup. Skipping out on annual maintenance for your tankless water heater might mean that you have weaker water flow, less heat than you expect, or problems with your tankless water heater operating in general.

Contact Charter Home Comfort today to schedule an appointment with our professionals for gas furnace service. Old fashioned values with tech savvy results! 

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