Last Call on Your Air Conditioning Services!

October 4th, 2021

We’re at the end of the line when it comes to your home’s air conditioning services. After a long summer in our area, your air conditioner might be worse for wear. If this is your circumstance, you might want to take a step back from the issues and wait until next spring to deal with them. Fall is on the horizon, pumpkin spice is in the air, and there’s a distinct chill in the air. When this happens, it’s easy to push all your air conditioning needs to the backburner. We don’t want this to be the case for you. We suggest that you take care of it now.

We can perfect your air conditioning service in Sterling Heights, MI. Let’s talk about a few reasons that you should consider getting yourself air conditioning repair below…

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Is AC Repair Necessary?

September 20th, 2021

Are you at that point where you’re questioning if your air conditioner needs a little extra help? Our general rule of thumb on this is that, if you have to question it, then it’s probably a great idea to spring for the repair job. While this is a general rule of thumb, we understand that the problem you’re facing may not fall into the “general” category. 

If you need air conditioning repair in Troy, MI, then we’re the professionals you want to talk to. We’re a team that you can rely on because we care about your service. Let’s get into the signs that you need repair below…

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Why Should I Get Maintenance on My AC?

September 6th, 2021

We know that we’re nearing the end of the summer. Maintenance might be something that you consider last season’s concern. After all, spring is the ideal time to schedule an air conditioning maintenance appointment. 

While this is true, we understand that not everything can happen when you’d like it to. Just because you’re a little bit behind schedule, doesn’t mean that maintenance should be skipped entirely this year. If you’re wondering about your air conditioning in Troy, MI, then we’re the professionals who can help you with the services you need. We’re prepared to help you this summer. 

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How To Avoid AC Repair In the Future

August 23rd, 2021

If you’ve had to deal with AC repair in Birmingham, MI this season, then we’re sure you’re glad to be through the storm. Sometimes, problems with our air conditioners get the best of us. In situations like this, we know that you want to handle the issue and be able to push forward through the summer. After you handle an air conditioning issue, we want you to take a moment to reflect. If you don’t want to go through another AC problem in the near future, then preparation is your best bet.

We’ve rounded up some of the best tactics to handle your air conditioning repair services. Let’s get into it below…

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Does The Temperature In Your Home Vary From Room to Room?

August 9th, 2021
Paper cut of family with house and tree on fresh spring green grass

You might be noticing all the subtle inconsistencies in your home now that summer is here. If you’ve noticed that the temperature in your home varies greatly from room to room, then it might be time for you get in touch with a professional about your air conditioning services. We’re the experts you can rely on for air conditioning in Sterling Heights, MI.

If you notice that you’re having pretty extreme temperature disparities in your home, then it might be time for you to schedule an appointment with our team members. We understand what contributes to temperature disparities and we’re always ready to help.

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How Long Should My Air Conditioner Last?

July 26th, 2021

Sometimes we like things to come back to basics when it comes to air conditioning services. That’s what we’re going to do today. Your air conditioner is set to last you a certain amount of time. The general rule of thumb is that your air conditioner should last you about 10-15 years. The thing about this timeline though is that it’s not going to be foolproof. There are different variables that affect how long your air conditioner can last.

Today we’re going to run through a few that are sure to affect how long your air conditioner lasts. This information is valuable. The sooner you know this information, the sooner you can implement it and help your system last longer. We’re the experts in air conditioning in Troy, MI.

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How Often Should I Have My Hot Water Heater Flushed?

July 12th, 2021

The water heater in your home is often considered the most neglected appliance, despite its importance. Most people don’t think about this important appliance that makes their daily lives more comfortable through a steady stream of hot water whenever they need it unless there is something wrong with it.

Just like any other appliance, your water heater needs regular maintenance. As you keep using your water heater, it tends to collect things like calcium, minerals, and sediment that settle at the tank’s bottom. The heating element in water heaters is located right at the bottom to provide optimal heating to all the water. If there is too much sediment buildup in your water heater, it could start blocking the heat and make it harder for the appliance to heat the water.

Fortunately, the simple process of flushing the water heater can completely clear up the heating element and remove the buildup. The question is: How often should I have my water flushed?

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When to Call for AC Repair

June 28th, 2021

Something is going on with your air conditioner… it’s not working the way that it used to, it’s making some odd sounds, and you’re just not as cool as you should be. But is it time to call an air conditioning professional?

We understand that the signs that you notice might not seem like “signs” in the moment. We’re not asking you to be air conditioning experts, either. We’re here to show you the signs so that you can contact us for prompt air conditioning repair services when possible. We care about the quality of our work so we always make sure that you have the right service. We’re the professionals you can trust for air conditioning repair in Troy, MI.

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What To Do Before Turning On Your AC

June 1st, 2021

The weather is warming up in Michigan—is your air conditioner ready to run?

There are actually many preventative measures that you should take to ensure that your air conditioner is in good shape before you’re using it often throughout the season. Your air conditioning service in Sterling Heights, MI is about the be the star of the show for the upcoming months. Make sure that you’re setting your air conditioner up for success. It’s easier than you think!

We’re going to give you some helpful guidelines today. Prepare now so your air conditioner doesn’t break down when you need it most!

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Why Your AC Repair Is So Expensive

May 17th, 2021
Money in the form of many large bills

It’s starting to look like you’re going to need air conditioning repair for your system again. You’re dreading the thought of it. Your wallet is already feeling the pressure of the repair before you’ve even opened it. You know what’s to come because you’ve already had extensive and expensive air conditioning repair work in recent history. It begs the question—why is air conditioning repair so expensive?

AC repair in Birmingham, MI should always be reasonable. If you’re getting to the point where your air conditioning repair is putting a huge financial strain on your bank account, then you’ve found the right blog. We’ll get to the bottom of it today.

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