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How to Prevent Heating Repair

Inside a gas furnace. Focus = the top of the middle flange. 12MP camera.

Some of you out there were lucky enough to bypass a heating repair need. Others weren’t lucky enough to step around a heating need this season. Either way, there are things you can do to do prevent your heating repair work in the future. We’re the experts here, so we know that heating repair is necessary. We’d never try to encourage homeowners to sidestep this. However, we do understand that heating repair isn’t the way that you’d probably choose to spend your time. We can help you avoid heating repair in Birmingham, MI in the future. Here are a few things that you can do:

Simple Ways to Prevent Heating Repair in the Future

This is what you can do to help your home’s heater:

1.      Clear It Out

A lot of things can happen in your home over the summer. You might want to switch up your décor or the order of your home for a little while when the weather gets warm. We understand this. However, we want to make sure that things are better as you’re going forward this winter.

If you’ve moved around some furniture, make sure that you didn’t move anything into a compromising position. A position would be “compromising” if it blocked your home’s vent system. Make sure that you clear some things out to help your home.

2.      Give Your Vents a Fighting Chance

We’ve talked about moving furniture and other things out of the way of your vents, but did you close any vents over the summer or fall? This is a bad practice. We understand why this is so tempting. Some of your rooms might run a little cooler than others. You might think that you’re saving energy by cutting off the circulation in one room. This isn’t the case. Closing off a vent is a problem and it’s going to decrease the healthy heat flow throughout your home.

3.      Upgrade Your Thermostat

You need to upgrade your home’s thermostat if you haven’t in years. Digital thermostats are the baseline now. If you have a digital thermostat but you want better control over your home, you should consider upgrading to a smart or Wi-Fi thermostat for your home. We’re here to help you with everything you need.

4.      Schedule an Appointment for Maintenance

You should schedule an appointment for maintenance every single fall. This is the best way to prime your system for the winter ahead. Heating maintenance is best in the fall, but it’s not too late to schedule an appointment now.

5.      Know the Warning Signs of Trouble

Do you know the warning signs of trouble happening in your home? Troubling signs coming from your furnace include odd sounds, weird run times, high heating bills, etc.

You don’t want to ignore any type of warning sign going on in your home. We know that sometimes you might feel like you should just ignore the warning signs and touch it out. That really isn’t the case. Doing this might actually make your home’s heating issues worse.

Contact Charter Home Comfort for your home’s heating needs.

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