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4 Signs You Need to Schedule Heating Repair

As fall ramps up and winter gets closer and closer, you may be noticing some small problems with your heater. When the weather is milder like it is now, these problems may not seem quite as obvious, but they are still worth paying attention to.

Keep reading to learn four common signs that can indicate it’s time to schedule an appointment for your heater before the temperatures dip lower. Then give our team a call to schedule your heater repair in Harrison Township, MI.

Unusual Sounds

Hearing an unusual noise come from your heater is one of the easiest ways to identify problems. While some issues can be quiet or nearly silent, others can be loud. An example of a loud noise is booming, shrieking, or scraping. You may not know exactly what is happening inside of your furnace, but any loud noise should be a red flag that something is wrong. 

Quieter noises deserve attention, too. For example, a humming or clicking sound may not be very loud, but it can point to problems with your heater turning on for a cycle. Similarly, rattling can point to problems with the attached ductwork. If you hear any sounds, whether once or persistently, that you don’t usually hear coming from your heater, call to schedule service as a precaution.

High Energy Costs

Right now temperatures are fairly mild, so you may not notice substantial increases in energy costs. But as the season goes on, you should pay attention to your energy usage and energy costs compared to the same time last year. If you’re using about the same amount of energy, you’re probably in the clear.

But if your heater is suddenly using more energy without explanation, there could be something going wrong inside of the system that is preventing it from heating your home efficiently. Many heating problems cause your unit to work harder and use more gas or electricity to produce heat for your home. If you haven’t made significant changes to your thermostat settings, then your heater needs attention.

Lack of Heat

This is another problem that may not be as obvious right now in the fall. But even now when you have your heater turned on, the air coming out of vents should be specifically hot. After all, their heat has to mix in with significantly cooler air to increase the temperature. If the air coming out of vents is lukewarm at best, it’s not doing much to heat up your home.

Changes in Operation

You can also pay attention to changes in how your furnace is operating to heat your home. You should be fairly familiar with how long your heater stays on during each cycle. Most heaters will stay on for around 10 minutes before cycling back off again. 

If your furnace is only staying on for a minute or two, that’s a red flag. It’s also concerning if your furnace turns on and stays on for an extended period of time without taking a break. These unusual cycles can put a lot of strain on your unit and shorten its lifespan or cost you more for day-to-day operation.

Contact Charter Home Comfort today to schedule an appointment with our professionals for heating service. Old fashioned values with tech savvy results! 

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