Charter Home Comfort Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Yes, Your Furnace Has a Filter: Here’s Why You Need to Change It

Monday, November 14th, 2022

We’ve covered a lot of important topics surrounding heating your home, from signs that something is wrong with your heater to highlights about why maintenance is important. But there’s one thing you can do for your furnace that’s arguably more important than anything else, and it’s super simple.

Change your air filter! Yes, your furnace has an air filter and you have to change it regularly to help maintain your furnace and improve your home’s air quality. If you need furnace repair in Warren, MI, our team can help. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about why that furnace filter is so important. 

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Should You Have Your Furnace Cleaned Before You Have Your Ductwork Cleaned?

Monday, February 21st, 2022

When it comes to heating in Troy, MI, we have answered many questions for our many clients over the years.

One that comes up often, is whether or not you should clean your furnace before you clean the ductwork in your home. The answer is of course, yes.

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5 Signs That You Need to Repair Your Home’s Furnace

Monday, February 7th, 2022

When it comes to the furnace in your home, knowing when to call in the professionals is important. Generally, we only think about our furnace when it stops working. Often, this is too late and it may make for some cold, unbearable nights. When you’re considering your furnace, it’s also important to consider possible carbon monoxide leaks in your home? These are all things we consider because we’re the experts. We specialize in furnace repair in Birmingham, MI.

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Why Your Furnace Keeps Shutting Off Early

Monday, January 24th, 2022

All homes experience furnace problems at one time or another. If your furnace keeps shutting off early, it could be a sign that there’s something wrong with it. 

A system that is shutting off early is a clear sign that it’s time someone took a look to assess what the issue is. Many people choose to simply live with a system that is not working optimally, but in the long run, there is often regret, followed by expensive repair bills. This is when you should consider heating repair in Troy, MI.

There are a few reasons why your furnace may be shutting off early. Here are a few of them and what you can do to prevent them.

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It’s Time to Call It Quits with Your Old System

Monday, January 10th, 2022

Winter is here. Unless your home is adequately heated, this could mean long, cold nights and restless sleep.

If you are wondering whether or not it’s time to replace your existing home heating system, then this post is for you. Here we discuss a few tell-tale signs to look out for when it comes to your heater.

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10 Things You Shouldn’t Let Happen to Your Furnace

Monday, December 27th, 2021

Furnaces are a necessity when it comes to staying warm and comfortable, especially during the cold winter months. The furnace is the most important appliance in your home. It provides you with warmth and comfort during those cold winter months.

But it can also be a major source of frustration when it starts acting up for no apparent reason. If you want to avoid these issues, here are a few things that you should not let happen to your furnace:

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Why You’re Cold at Home

Monday, December 13th, 2021

Of course, it’s cold outside and we’re headed straight for winter now. Although the weather outside might be cold, it’s still not excuse for your home to be chilly too. If you’re noticing that you can’t get warm enough no matter what you do, then it’s probably time to invest in your heating in Sterling Heights, MI.

Being cold at home even with a working heater isn’t something that’s going to resolve itself with time. Instead, you’ll probably notice that the problems you’re experiencing with your heater grow worse as the months go by. If you address the issues now, you can avoid a substantial amount of trouble later. We’re here to help you with this. 

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Does Your Heat Vary Room to Room? Here’s Why

Monday, November 15th, 2021
Inside a gas furnace. Focus = the top of the middle flange. 12MP camera.

Now that colder weather is here, you’re using your heater more often. This is the time of year where you become familiar with all the patterns of your home that happen during cold weather. This includes the sound of your heater clicking on the morning, the feeling of your electric blanket slowly heating up and warming your bed, or the hum of your tea kettle turning on and the anticipation that builds in your body knowing that you’re going to be consuming something good soon. One thing that can ruin this is hot and cold spots throughout your home 

If you notice problems like this starting, then it means that it’s time to schedule an appointment regarding your heating in Troy, MI. We can help you work through the problems you’re facing so that you get the best heating possible all winter long.

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Why Does My Furnace Smell?

Monday, March 8th, 2021
Girl pinching her nose against a white background

You’ve been running your home’s heater for a while now and you’ve noticed that your furnace is making your home smell a little… funny. You’re not sure what’s going on, but you know that something is really off. You should start with your home’s furnace repair in Birmingham, MI.

Your home’s furnace isn’t naturally dangerous, but it is something that can become dangerous if it doesn’t receive the right care. Sometimes, your home’s heater can start to emit interesting scents if it’s not receiving the proper services. We’re here to make sure that your home is back on track and to keep you safe.

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When to Get a New Heater

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Let’s be frank—your heater just isn’t performing the way you want it to. You’re not sure if you should just opt for repair work or spring for replacement. You’re in limbo between the two services and we understand. We’re here to help you assess what you have going on, choose between these two services, and find the right professionals to assist you.

We specialize in heating installation in Warren, MI. We’re professionals that care about your home’s heating service. If you need a new heater, we’re going to make the process as easy and as affordable for you.

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