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Serving the Tri County Area Since 1960


What To Do Before Turning On Your AC

The weather is warming up in Michigan—is your air conditioner ready to run?

There are actually many preventative measures that you should take to ensure that your air conditioner is in good shape before you’re using it often throughout the season. Your air conditioning service in Sterling Heights, MI is about the be the star of the show for the upcoming months. Make sure that you’re setting your air conditioner up for success. It’s easier than you think!

We’re going to give you some helpful guidelines today. Prepare now so your air conditioner doesn’t break down when you need it most!

A Helpful Checklist

Here are a few things you should do before turning on your air conditioner.

1.      Preventative Maintenance

The best preventative measure to take to help your home is to schedule preventative maintenance. Maintenance is what primes your air conditioner for the season ahead. It’s a way for a professional to take a look at your system and spot potential problems. It’s important to spot these problems now rather than at the height of the season. You should schedule an appointment for this now to keep your home as cool as possible. If you’re committed to maintenance, join our Smooth Sailing Club. It will save you money and save your system as well.  

2.      Improve Your IAQ

Your indoor air quality and your air conditioner work together. They’re supposed to coexist and if you don’t have great indoor air quality, then you need to invest in the care for this now. We work with air filters, air purifiers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, HRV systems, ERV systems, and duct services.

3.      Use Your Ceiling Fan

It’s important to have use your ceiling fan if you’ve got one. Your ceiling fan is great because it cools you. Make sure that you only use your home’s ceiling fan when you’re in the room though. If your ceiling fan isn’t running in an empty room, then it’s blowing around air to no benefit. Using a ceiling fan in conjunction with an air conditioner can improve your comfort and lower your bills.

4.      Upgrade Your Thermostat

Your thermostat is the brain of your HVAC system. If you haven’t upgraded your HVAC system in a while, then now is the time to act. Smart and Wi-Fi thermostats will help you control your air conditioner better and save you money in the process.

5.      Repair or Replace When Necessary

It’s important to repair or replace your air conditioner when necessary. If you struggled with your air conditioner last year, then it’s a great idea to have an honest assessment now. If you think that your air conditioner will run into repair problems in the near future, it will save you a headache to have a professional come out now. The same goes for repair. If your system has given you lots of trouble and its further along in its lifespan, then it’s time to schedule an appointment with us.

Contact Charter Home Comfort today to schedule an appointment with our professionals for your AC care.

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