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Summer’s Almost Underway, But You May Need to Get a New AC to Prepare

In just a couple of weeks, summer will be here. Temperatures are already heating up. When you switched your thermostat over to cooling in the spring, your air conditioner may have turned on effortlessly. However, there’s also a chance that you’ve noticed problems with your AC.

If you’ve been scheduling AC repairs frequently over the last couple of years, it may be time for an AC replacement in Troy, MI. It’s always better to be proactive and stay ahead of a complete air conditioner breakdown than to wait and see what happens. You can keep reading to learn more about the signs it may be time to replace your AC now. 

Repair Frequency

Experts say that your air conditioner will begin to experience more frequent repairs in the last two years of its life. Take some time to think back about the last couple of summers with your air conditioner. Have you scheduled AC repairs multiple times each season? If so, that is a red flag. You can only put so many Band-Aids on your air conditioner problems to keep it running before you need to replace it completely.

Repair Costs

Let’s dig a little deeper into repairs. It’s not just about having to make multiple repairs. It’s also possible that you’ve had repairs that add up to a lot of money or even a single expensive repair. If you’re spending thousands of dollars on a single air conditioning repair, you need to take a step back and give it a second thought. That money may be better invested in a brand-new air conditioner. 

System Age

There are a few exceptions to the repair rules above. If your air conditioner is still young and covered by its manufacturer’s warranty, repairs may be a better idea. Your manufacturer’s warranty covers the costs and may even cover a complete AC replacement if you have extensive unexplained problems. Most manufacturers’ warranties cover the first ten years. 

But, if your air conditioner is older, an AC replacement makes more sense than putting a lot of money into repairs. The average air conditioner will last for about 15 years. As your air conditioner gets closer and closer to this age, it becomes more likely you will have to replace it. Of course, some air conditioners can last for 20 years or longer. But if you’re having a lot of problems, that becomes less likely.

Benefits of AC Replacement

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the prospect of replacing your entire air conditioner. Not only is it an expensive investment, but you also want to make sure you choose the right air conditioner. The good news is, there are so many benefits to getting a new air conditioner. Newer models are much more energy efficient, so you can save on your monthly energy bills. 

It also gives you an opportunity to start fresh. If you moved into your house when it already had an existing air conditioner, you don’t know how well the unit was cared for. With a brand new AC, you can stay on top of monthly homeowner maintenance and annual professional maintenance to ensure that this new AC will last for years to come.

Contact Charter Home Comfort today to schedule an appointment with our professionals for AC service. Old fashioned values with tech savvy results! 

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