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Now Is a Great Time for a New AC: Here’s Why

If you’ve been going back and forth about whether or not it’s time to install a new air conditioner for your home, consider making an installation now instead of putting it off any longer. You might think that the peak of summer is a bad time for an air conditioning installation, but that isn’t true.

Just give our team a call to schedule your central air installation in Grosse Pointe, MI. We can take a look at your older unit and talk about options for upgrading. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about why right now is a great time to upgrade your central air conditioner.

Summertime AC Installation

There is a misconception that summer is a bad time to get an air conditioner installed because it is when we (and other HVAC contractors) are at our busiest. While this is true, planning ahead proactively is different than having to make a last-minute decision. Putting off an air conditioner replacement until you absolutely have to do it can leave you making a hurried decision.

But if you are making the decision to install a new air conditioner when your current unit is still working, that is perfectly fine. Our team can offer you a reasonable timeline based on our current workload and your needs. We can plan around your schedule and set the AC installation appointment for a time that works best around what you already have going on.

Risks of Putting Off an Upgrade

If you decide not to upgrade your air conditioner right now when it really needs to be done, you may be left with an AC that doesn’t work at all. Until you can get a new unit installed, you’ll be without cooling in your home. 

Then, instead of being able to take your time in deciding what type of air conditioner you want, you’ll be making one of those last-minute decisions that we already talked about above. You may be in such a hurry to get a new cooling unit installed that you settle for something lower than your usual expectations simply because you want a new unit in place sooner rather than later. 

How to Choose a New AC

When it comes to selecting a new air conditioner, you have a variety of different options. First, you have to decide on a type of unit. You can have a central air conditioner, a heat pump that offers both heating and cooling, or a ductless mini split. Then you have to think about the energy efficiency ratings. 

While there are accepted baseline efficiency ratings, you should really go for a higher-rated model if possible. The additional money you spend upfront on installation can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on energy costs over the unit’s life.

Contact Charter Home Comfort today to schedule an appointment with our professionals for a new AC installation. Old fashioned values with tech savvy results! 

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