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The Importance of a Spring Tune-Up on Your Air Conditioner

Paper cut of family with house and tree on fresh spring green grass

Spring is (almost) in the air! As we edge closer to the spring months, we start to look forward to the warmer weather, the sunshine, and the great outdoors.

For many, it’s their favorite time of year. Gardens start to blossom, birds are in abundance, and we get to feel the warm sun on our skin.

With the weather warming up, we start to rely on our AC system more. With its increased use, if an AC system is not in top-notch condition, there is a risk of it not functioning optimally, or, even worse, breaking down. That’s why it is important to get the experts in to give your system a tune-up as you enter the spring months.

When it comes to air conditioning maintenance in Warren, MI, we understand the importance of an AC system tune-up. Here are five benefits to scheduling an appointment for your AC maintenance.

Five benefits of spring AC maintenance

There are a number of benefits to having your AC maintained properly. Here are five of them.

It will require fewer repairs

A well-maintained AC system will require fewer repairs in the long run. During a tune-up, all of the components of the system are inspected and any small problems are fixed before they turn into bigger issues.

It will save you energy

A properly functioning AC unit uses less energy, which not only saves you money on your monthly utility bill but is also better for the environment. Also, a system that functions optimally will be at a far fewer risk of breaking down.

You’ll prolong the life of your unit

Giving your AC system a tune-up will prolong its life. If your system is not maintained, it may be working harder than it should. While you may not have any problems right now, over time the hard-working components will deteriorate and eventually break down. You could be cutting five to ten years off the life of your unit if it is not getting a tune-up.

You’ll be protecting the warranty

If you have a warranty on your AC unit, it is important to have the maintenance done by an authorized technician. Many warranties are voided if the AC system isn’t tuned-up by an HVAC professional. The last thing you want is for your system to break down and be unable to claim from the warranty because it has not been maintained.

Reduce allergies and improve air quality

One of the lesser-known benefits of regular AC maintenance is that it can help to reduce allergies and improve the air quality in your home. Dust, pollen, and other allergens are circulated throughout your house when the AC is running. If these allergens are not cleaned out on a regular basis, they can build up and cause problems for people with allergies.

Book the professionals

It’s never too early to book in your spring AC system tune-up. At Charter Home Comfort, our experienced team is the very best in the field when it comes to AC maintenance. We offer three maintenance plans to suit any budget. Why not take a look for yourself here.

Contact Charter Home Comfort today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

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